Ruby on Rails: Begin with the easiest tutorial

When I have been hearing a lot about Ruby and thinking to give it a try, I searched for a beginners tutorial over Internet. I found a lot. But luckily, I started with the easiest and solid one. It successfully drive me through an exciting way of learning ruby and lift me from installing to a functional "online cookbook" application. The best part of this tutorial was, it teach everything really "step by step" and you have to turn back to a previous step for never. 2 parts of this great tutorial is here –

part-1 : Rolling with Ruby on Rails

part-2 : Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2

Ok. It’s confirming your successful starting. For the next step, I am listing here some essentials of learning Ruby on Rails.

  1. : This is an interactive interface for learning Ruby. They said,"Got 15 minutes? Give Ruby a shot right now!".
  2. What is ruby on Rails – This is another tutorial from describing amazing features of Ruby on Rails.
  3. Four Days on Rails (PDF) : This PDF goes through building a "To-Do List" Application. The steps of building a ruby applications are explained here excellently.
  4. : Ruby on Rails Wiki : The community-driven Rails documentation! A place where you will get everything about Ruby on Rails.
  5. : The details documentation of Rails API.
  6. and These are the world’s richest  collection of open source ruby project.
  7. Seeing is believing : Screencasts of Ruby on Rails application. Makes a programmer interested on Ruby on Rails in just 01 minute.
  8. Ajax on Rails : This is the 3rd part of the introducing tutorial. A must read to work with Ajax in Rails framework.

Windows Live Writer : Blogger’s life made easy

Windows says, "Windows Live Writer Beta is a desktop application that makes it easy to publish rich content to your blog". Really that. I have been using it recently and found it as an exclusive tool for blogging. But remember, a blogger can use windows live writer only when his blog is build on an organized blog system like WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, Moveable Type, Community Server, and many other weblog services.

image   image

Windows Live focus themselves on five feature of this writer. They are:

  1. Compatible with your blog service
  2. WYSIWYG editing
  3. Rich media publishing
  4. Powerful editing features and
  5. Offline editing

Ok. Now I am going to tell you what features of this software impressed me most. First I should mention that, before using Windows Live Writer, I have been using WordPress and I was satisfied on It’s editing options. But now, I get the powerful yet easiest application for writing blog and I’m going to stay on it. Here goes my share of the praise:

  1. Offline control on everything: It has powerful editor to write/edit blogs, manage my categories etc on offline. So, it’s fast and easy. Only one thing I have to do is, just tell the writer to publish it. Then it will connect to the blog over online and automatically publish it. Moreover, it lets me see the editing post in different views which helps me to visualize how it will look like at online on my installed theme.
  2. Working with images is easiest than ever:  I get rid from the terrible duty of uploading and managing images to use them in a blog post by using writer. It lets me use image in a post and edit them just like MS Word. When an image containing post published, it manages everything.
  3. More control on Html elements: The web’s WYSIWYG editors are simply nice. But not comparable with writer’s editing facilities. It’s more than a web editor and near about a word processor. It offers smooth and flexible visual building.  
  4. Special inserting tools: Writer’s inserting tools are really rich. It can insert and smoothly manage tables, images, videos, maps(from virtual earth), colorize code snippet(need a free plug-in) etc.
  5. Rich and free Plug-ins: Though Windows Live Writer is at beta version yet, it has a large number of free plug-ins. They may solve more than a blogger needs. You can get the plug-ins here:

Moreover, who are blogging on hosted version of WordPress, Blogger etc blogging site, they have some limitations of using plug-ins there. Writer may be a great solution for them. It also provides the ping functionality which is very important for promoting a blog.

See more details here:

You can download it from here:

“How to add archive functionality to your PHP app”

“An archive refers to a collection of records, and also refers to the location in which these records are kept. Archives are made up of records which have been created during the course of an individual or organization’s life.” – Wikipedia.

Archive is an essential feature of a well defined blog system. If you have a blog in blogger or wordpress, you’ll get built-in archive feature there. But if you are making a blog yourself or any similar application, you might need to add this function yourself. These are some ideal example of archives:

Omar Al Zabir somewherein bangla blog

I’ve done it for one of my app and here I am telling you the time saving tip: creating an archive function in 3 easy steps.

1. Generate organized archive data: Generally, archives are created on create date of contents. Let’s say, your blogs table has a field named create_date which holds the timestamp of the post. Now, you can get your archive data in very organized format with this simple yet powerful query (it’s in MySQL):

SELECT COUNT(id) total, MONTHNAME(create_date) month, YEAR(create_date) year

FROM blogs

GROUP BY MONTH(create_date), YEAR(create_date)

ORDER BY create_date

Note that you’ll need to use where clauses if there are any condition. The output of your query should look like this:

Query to retrieve archive data The result
image image


2. Use the archive data: After you have retrieved the archive data, you can display them in any sidebar of your application. A sample code can be as follows:


 1: <h4>Older Entries</h4>
 2: <ul>
 3: <?php foreach ($archive as $month): ?>
 4: <li>
 5: <a href="<?php echo $month['year'] . "/" . $month['month'] ?>">
 6: <?php echo $month['month'] . " " . $month[' year'] ."(" . $month['total'] .")" ?>
 7: </a>
 8: </li>
 9: <?php endforeach; ?>
 10: </ul>

So, what’s done here? Well, it displays the archive sets with an appropriate link. Note that the link are created in “clean URL” style, i.e. – if you are using an MVC framework like CodeIgniter or CakePHP, you may find it easy to integrate. You can of course create it in the old style, by changing the above code in this way:

 1: <li>
 2: <a href="blog.php?year=<?php echo $month['year'] ?>&month=<?php echo $month['month'] ?>>
 3: <?php echo $month[''month'] . " " . $month[' year '] ."(" . $month['total'] .")" ?>
 4: </a>
 5: </li>

3. Display related posts: And now you’ll need to handle the fetching of appropriate posts based on the passed archive information (year and month), but that’s something that only you can figure out, as I don’t know what you have in there.

Happy Blogging…Happy Archiving 🙂

Hello World!

Hellow World! Now I am here…. at ajaXray.

I have been blogging on wordpress for a short time as Though it’s a nice experience, I am facing some limitations there. Moreover, I have been thinking for a domain to share, test and explore my works and experience on an unique web identity. As a result, I get the domain ajaXray.

Behind the name : The name “ajaXray” comes from 2 words.

  1. ajax: AJAX, is a web development technique used for creating interactive web applications. This is the current crazes of web technologies.
  2. X-ray: X-rays (or Röntgen rays) are a form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength in the range of 10 to 0.01 nanometers. generally, its known to us for it’s power of scanning. I choose the word after ajax to express the interest of exploring the web technologies in such a scanning depth.

And the last thing… this domain+hosting is gifted by my (30%)boss, (30%)teacher and (40%) friend Emran Hasan aka is his birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PHPFOUR.

Ajax-like Unobtrusive File Upload

We use AJAX whenever we need to communicate with the server, without reloading the page. But this doesn’t function in the case of File Upload. In usual view, uploading files with AJAX is impossible! (FireFox/Mozilla can do this after change a setting in “about:config” – which we cannot guarantee for a lot of users).

When I was searching for any technique to upload file without reloading page, I found a script in . But it seemed very complex to me. Then I try to simplify their technique and its working great. So I thought why not share the technique with everybody?

First, look at the demo here to see how it works.

OK. Let’s get into the deep. What happens when we submit a form? The form is submitted to the action page and that page loaded in current frame of window. If the “target” attribute of form indicate “_blank” or any frame name of the window, the page loads in a blank window or in the named frame or inner frame. Here we’ll be using the second method.

First, take an inner frame in anywhere of the page. And set the display property of this frame as “none”:

    <iframe name="hiddenFrame" id="hiddenFrame" 
    src="about:blank" style="display:none" >

Now, just set this frame as the target of your uploading form.

<form name="testForm" id="testForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" 
    action="upload.php" method="post" target="hiddenFrame">
        <input type="file" name="name" /> 
        <input type="submit" value="Upload!" />

If we submit this form now, it will submit the file to the target script on the server (can be in php, asp etc.). The script will upload the file and will load the response in the frame “hiddenFrame”. As the frame is not visible, nothing about this loading will be seen by the visitors. Now, as the uploading page displays nothing after uploading your file, the response can be immediate. Although it’s not AJAX, this technique will upload your file without (visually) reloading page.

What more?

For many purpose, we might need a callback function when using AJAX. For this file uploading technique also, we will try to create something like that. First, we’ll write the callback function as a simple JavaScript function in the header of the uploading page:

<script language="javascript">
function trackThis()
var resultDiv = 
var uploadedImage = document.getElementById(‘UploadedImage’);

uploadedImage.src = resultDiv.innerHTML;"block";

alert("File Uploaded :" + resultDiv.innerHTML);

When the uploading of the server page is complete, it should print the JavaScript code in the hidden iframe, to call the callback function with the reference “”. Any other required information also can be printed in specific DIVs. It will enable us to retrieve any response information using the innerHTML of any specific DIV (as shown in example callback function).


echo "Your uploaded file is: <div id=’result’>".$_FILES[‘name’][‘name’]." </div>";
    echo "<div id=’result’>Sorry! Error occured!</div>";  
echo <<<test
<script type="text/javascript">

Well, that’s it. This technique has already saved my ass once, see if it can save yours also when you need.

jQuery controlled Dependent (or Cascading) Select List

When I was searching the web for a client side dependent list boxes, I got some scripts. But some of them were very much static (static select name, option name etc.), some were vary complex. Then I thought to make it myself.
I have been using jQuery as the standard JavaScript library for most of my web project for some days. Writing javascript coding in jQuery is fun. So here goes my contribution using it.

Here is a simple demo.

Let me guide you through it.

1. Include jqury.js.

<script language=”javascript” src=”jquery.js”></script>

You can get Jquery from here.

2. Write this simple function in a javascript block in head.

function makeSublist(parent,child,isSubselectOptional)
$(“body”).append(“<select style=’display:none’ id='”+parent+child+”‘></select>”);
$(‘#’+parent+child).html($(“#”+child+” option”));
$(‘#’+child).html(“<option> — </option>”);
var parentValue = $(‘#’+parent).attr(‘value’);
$(‘#’+child).html($(“#”+parent+child+” .sub_”+parentValue).clone());
if(isSubselectOptional) $(‘#’+child).prepend(“<option> — Select — </option>”);

This function takes 3 arguments: the parent select input’s id, the child select input’s id, and a boolean value to indicate whether to select an item from child list by default.

Example: makeSublist(‘listA’,’listB’,false);

This function will make the options of ‘listB’ list depending on the selection of ‘listA’. And user have to select an item from ‘listB’.
Here ‘listA’ and ‘listB’ are the IDs of parent and child select input respectively.

3. Add a class to the ‘<option>’s of the child list box. The class name will be the value of it’s parent ‘<option>’ in parent listbox with a ‘sub_’ prefix.
Suppose, in parent listbox there is an item “Flower”. Its value is ‘fl’:

<option value=’fl’>Flower</option>

When the item “Flower” will be selected, only 3 items should be visible in child listbox. These 3 items should hold the class name ‘sub_fl’:

<option class=”sub_fl” value=”1″>Rose</option>
<option class=”sub_fl” value=”2″>Sunflower</option>
<option class=”sub_fl” value=”3″>Orchid</option>

4. Now you are ready. On ‘$(document).ready’ event of Jquery, run the function to associate your list boxes.

makeSublist(‘parentID’,’childID’, false);

5. Enjoy 🙂