My Bookmarks – A WordPress plugin to show your valuable bookmarks on sidebar

If you are using delicious or simpy as your bookmarking tool, this plugin is for you. This will help a wordpress user to show his valuable bookmarks on sidebar. Just install this plugin and set your options in plugins settings page – you are done. When you add or update links on your bookmarking site, this section will be automatically updated.


The settings page of My Bookmarks in wordpress admin panel


Click here to download the My Bookmarks WordPress plugin (80.3 KB).

Downloaded : [downloadcounter(my_bookmarks)] times

To see a live demo, see the “My Bookmarks” section of sidebar of this blog.


Installation of this plugin is very easy. First, be sure that you are using latest(2.6) version of wordpress. Then follow this 3 easy steps.

  1. Extract and upload the `MyBookmarks` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings > My Bookmarks page and make it yours.

Upcoming features

I’ve planned to add some more feature in next version of this plugin. Your comment about any modification or feature request is very mush welcome.

  1. Add caching to store link information in your server. So that, no need to fetch from feeds every time.
  2. Allow more bookmark sites like digg, netvouz, etc.
  3. Adding additional links with parsed feed.
  4. Make independent about enabling blogroll.
  5. ……….. and more.

For any Question/Suggestion please contact me at

Happy bookmarking, Happy blogging!


  1. Seems to be a nifty little plugin. I would like to suggest one feature for the next version, that is to have a function which can be called anywhere in the template to generate this. This will be required for people who don’t use sidebar widgets.

    Good work done!

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  5. Some softwares which automate social bookmarking will bookmark automatically some other links and combine these in with your main site links. This makes your bookmarking process look more natural and much less probable to be deleted by an admin. Utilizing one of these softwares can greatly increase the effectivity of any link building campaign.

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