Dependent / Cascading Select List with jQuery Select2
Select2 is one of the most popular select list plugin for jQuery. It has beautiful features and powerful customization options. One missing feature of Select2 i...
Select2 is one of the most popular select list plugin for jQuery. It has beautiful features and powerful customization options. One missing feature of Select2 i...
The file input is one of those HTML elements that are complex to style with CSS. As a result, now a days we see many ajax uploader plugins (e,g, DropZone) that ...
While coming home, I’ve seen a super store showing their items on a big LED type banner. Where item names were scrolling using some lights on/off. It̵...
I’ve seen many people (including myself) trying out the power of jQuery for once and then getting stuck with it. Why not? It’s one of the coolest an...