BootstrapFileField – File input with preview and restrictions, no ajax
The file input is one of those HTML elements that are complex to style with CSS. As a result, now a days we see many ajax uploader plugins (e,g, DropZone) that ...
The file input is one of those HTML elements that are complex to style with CSS. As a result, now a days we see many ajax uploader plugins (e,g, DropZone) that ...
I had to import a huge Oracle database dump into MySQL database today. One major problem in doing this was, TO_DATE function of Oracle (used to convert string t...
Symfony2 Forms have a rich set of field types and many defined widgets for rendering fields. But still we may need a different representation of a field. For ex...
It’s a pretty common need to show a help text with a form filed. Where we’ll tell the user about purpose of this field or some validation rules. Alt...
Sometimes LESS screws an expression inside calc(). To avoid this situation, I do a very basic trick. Let’s say I want to implement the following to keep a...
If you see the following error while executing a php script, that means the execution is trying to use more memory then the maximum amount of memory a script ma...
Digital World 2014 was a 4 day (4th – 7th June, 2014) ICT event at Bangladesh. It was organized by ICT Division of Telecom and IT Ministry of the country....
This is a common need to convert Doctrine ODM Documents to simpler format. Generally we need to convert them to Array or serialized as JSON. And there are many ...
The version 2.x.x of PHP HTTP extension is totally different from it’s version 1.x. And it’s not backward compatible at all. So, if you have updated...
Few days ago, I was searching around for a boilerplate setup for Backbone.Marionette with RequireJS. I was looking for something that is ready for use instantly...